30th January 2015 Home-schooling by Beth Hardwick

So, I have made a HUGE decision this month. After 12 months of talking, reading, researching and planning… I have decided to home-school my two eldest children.


Good question…..

Well, I have mentioned before that we lost our third daughter to a virus when she was 7 days old. Martha, my eldest, reacted to this very deeply. For several years we’ve tried to find a way to help her heal. Although now we can see how well she is doing – we can also see the effects of early trauma. We are given one chance to do what is right for our children in the moment – and this feels like our moment to input a little more into them and offer them a chance of deeper family connection and some time to experience life in this special way.

Am I nervous?

YES! But I am equally excited and believe that this will be a season I look back on and feel incredibly grateful that I had the chance – I know so many don’t. Learning what I have about early trauma has given me the confidence to know this is a good and healthy decision and one I will grab with both hands.

I’ll keep you posted as to how it goes…..Wish me luck!

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