
We work with teachers and youth workers to help them support vulnerable students with behavioural difficulties.


In our school we have a large number of pupils on the SEND register and following the TAAFA course I understood that many of these were due to attachment issues and traumatic experiences. The knowledge and specific strategies we learned along with the helpful resources I could access, has transformed the way we support vulnerable pupils. Senco, Derbyshire


Rather than seeing challenging or difficult young people, the TAAFA course has enabled me to understand that ‘a child’s behaviour is their language’ and as I’ve begun to learn the language of trauma I am better equipped to help the young people I work with to understand themselves and the reasons for their challenges. PRU Teacher, Dorchester

Fantastic and enlightening training. Well done! Really enjoyed all aspects of the day. Great that Ruth had information based on experience not just theory. Both workshop leaders passionate about the subject. Thanks for all the resources, links etc. I really want to do more about the personality side for me and the pupils plus colleagues. Boston Teaching and Learning Centre

TAAFA have run a number of training days for our staff – we keep asking them back – and both the trauma training and the Understanding Personal and Team Success days have been superb. Highly recommended. Sophie Maxwell. The Really NEET College.

What people have said about our work

Your work is wonderful – we need more pastoral care in secondary schools. We need training and help in our schools in learning about trauma and stress in children and students. – Jayne

Really interesting. I can think of many people who would benefit from accessing this course.

Professionals need to know this. Education Depts. need to fund the training for our professions and this style of dealing with traumatised children. – Delegates ASFP Conference