Other Professionals

We work with professionals in the private and public sector to help them understand and support people people they work with who may have trauma and attachment issues.


Many of the life situations we deal with on a daily basis can be traced back to the problems and traumas people experienced at a young age and the TAAFA course has made me a more understanding and sympathetic police officer with the knowledge to offer new levels of support. West Midlands Police

Family Justice Board Members – Solicitors, Magistrates, Guardians etc.

Thank you for presenting a most interesting talk on the services you offer and the behavioural difficulties in respect of children who have suffered neglect. I have received extremely positive feedback from the professionals who attended, comments such as “a fascinating presentation”, “excellent course, gave me a much better insight in respect of acting for children but also vulnerable adults (parents)”, “fascinating insight into the work that is being done, what is clear is how little is available..”, “an explanation of brain development”, “traumatic experiences of children, it was relevant to today and the future”, “I found it really informative and interesting”, “interesting point of information”.
Again, may I take this opportunity of thanking you for the time that you have taken to present to the training subcommittee of the Local Family Justice Board. Family Justice Board, Sheffield